
Clean the World Volunteers Built Over 6,000 Hygiene Kits for Maui Disaster Relief

On August 19, 114 volunteers came to Clean the World in Orlando, FL, to build hygiene kits for those affected by the Maui wildfires earlier this month. The wildfires in Maui have left behind an unprecedented trail of destruction, leaving thousands of Maui residents without their homes, clean drinking water, and essential hygiene supplies. Within the first hour of our Maui Relief Hygiene Kit Build event, volunteers assembled 6,000 hygiene kits full of fresh soap, shampoo or conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and more.

In addition to building hygiene kits, volunteers boxed recycled soap and sorted through discarded plastic amenity bottles and soap. Overall, they boxed an impressive 74,320 bars of soap and diligently sorted through 7,500 pounds of soap and 7,700 pounds of plastic. Each action from these volunteers played a significant role in The WASH Foundation’s Maui disaster relief efforts.

This event was just a continuation of The WASH Foundation’s Maui disaster relief response. Thanks to a generous donation from Soapbox, an environmentally conscious hair and body products brand, The WASH Foundation has already shipped 10,000 hygiene kits and essential supplies to Maui. We have also partnered with Maui Food Bank to ensure every hygiene kit reaches an individual impacted by the Maui wildfires.

As the Maui community continues to rebuild, The WASH Foundation will continue to offer any support we can. If you would like to support our cause, please donate to our Emergency Disaster Relief Program today. Your donation will allow us to provide hygiene kits and essential supplies to those in need during times of disaster.