
Working with Healthcare Facilities and Schools to Provide Health For All in Hispaniola 

This year, The WASH Foundation, an evolution of Clean the World Foundation will introduce a WASH-in-Healthcare Facilities program designed to train medical support staff to maintain WASH-friendly environments. The program is designed to enable healthcare facilities to provide improved care to patients and set the standard for proper WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) practices throughout the surrounding community.  Our goal is to ensure that we serve all vulnerable populations of Hispaniola, specifically those of Haitian descent.  

Additionally, we are expanding our WASH-in-Schools Dominican Republic program from four to nine schools in 2023! We will be improving sanitation infrastructure and broadening the capacity for local teachers to improve student health through water, sanitation, hygiene, menstrual health, and disaster preparedness education. 

This will be accomplished through a 3-day training, focused on participatory learning techniques, and a 9-month curriculum that teachers can include in their annual lessons to improve the hygiene behavior and habits of their students and, ultimately, families and communities. 

We are excited about the future implementation of our WASH-in-Healthcare Facilities Program and the strengthening and expansion of our WASH-in-Schools Program in the Dominican Republic!

You can help us achieve our mission by making a donation to our WASH education program.  Just $100 can provide access to soap and handwashing education to an entire school for a whole month.  Make a difference today!