Photo Credit: Timothy Erau, Uganda

Our wonderful team in the Merikit community in Tororo, Uganda, recently carried out a 3-day event during which they continued to reach out to community members in an effort to educate them on the importance of WASH and to provide them with much-needed health and hygiene items.

On the first day of the event, The WASH Foundation, an evolution of Clean the World Foundation team, led by Mebra Lwabaayi together with the heads of the Village Health Teams (VHTs), conducted home visits to residents in the Kakinga and Merikit parishes, taking the opportunity to talk about the importance of WASH and proper handwashing techniques. The second day of the event took place at the Merikit Health Center and kicked off with an interactive session on nutrition and personal hygiene attended by lactating mothers and pregnant women. Some supportive men even accompanied their wives to the session. Emphasis was placed on the benefits of breast feeding for both the mother and the baby. The distribution of food items and soap took place on the third day at the Merikit Town Council offices. The crowds broke out in jubilation upon the arrival of the Clean the World branded food truck! During the ceremony, the VHTs demonstrated proper hand washing alongside the pregnant mothers.

By the end of the 3-day event, The WASH Foundation had distributed locally-sourced food items and soap to 500 families and reached 300 mothers with health information on nutrition, personal hygiene, and safe infant feeding food to reduce diarrheal diseases and pneumonia (leading causes of death) in children under five years old.