The Jameel Story...
Jameel Milligan is an appreciated Clean the World employee who was once a part of the Las Vegas homeless community…
Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jameel felt there was nothing left for him in the City of Brotherly Love, so he decided to change scenery and relocate to Las Vegas, Nevada. But, with little knowledge of the hardships he would soon face.
On April 2, 2017, Jameel stepped off the plane in Las Vegas with nothing but six hundred dollars to his name. The first few days seemed promising, he managed to land a job with a day labor company. But, to find out that his contract was up only days later. He was forced to check for openings daily. While sitting in the library to use WIFI, Jameel overheard a man mention something about a Catholic Charity Shelter for men. He asked the man if he could tell him more about this shelter. The man volunteered to be his guide. He also assisted Jameel in the enrolling process, to get him into the shelter. Jameel thanked the man and made himself comfortable in the shelter. After a week stay in the shelter, Jameel’s Identification Card was stolen. He was then led in circles for weeks to get a new Identification Card. As his last resort, Jameel reached out to his family on the east coast, and thankfully a family member agreed to pay the administrative fees and ship the documents needed to get his new Identification Card.
The Mobile Hygiene Unit

For the next several months, Jameel continued to live in Las Vegas, staying in many shelters and experiencing things some should not experience. On August 2, 2017, the Sands Cares Fresh Start Mobile Showers Powered by Clean the World was built and began traveling to the most densely populated homeless communities in Las Vegas. Little did Jameel know, the mobile hygiene unit would be a life-changing gift. It was the first operating day for the brand-new hygiene mobile unit, and it was on this day that Jameel met Kevin Williams, Clean the World’s Hygiene Manager. Jameel used the showers as his main resource for hygiene amenities for months, he soon became close with Kevin and asked if he could volunteer. Kevin agreed, and after three months of volunteering and assisting with the operations of the mobile hygiene unit, Jameel joined a paid transitioning program with the aid of Southern Nevada and Kevin. After completing 480 hours within the program, Kevin offered Jameel a position within Clean the World.
A Successful Ending

Jameel’s story is one of the many success stories pertaining to the Sands Cares Fresh Start Mobile Showers. Jameel went from living in shelters and using the mobile hygiene unit daily, to becoming Clean the World’s Mobile Hygiene Assistant, in a matter of months.
“I’m one of the lucky ones. I was homeless for a little over a year, but I talk to people daily who have been homeless for 10, 20, and believe it or not one woman said 40 years.”
– Jameel Milligan
How you can get involved!
Clean the World would like to thank Las Vegas Sands and many of our other partners for their support. Jameel and many others have a story to tell surrounding the Fresh Start Mobile Showers. You too can make an impact, globally as well as in your own community. To make a contribution, visit Donations. To lend a helping hand in one of our Recycling Operations Centers (ROCs), visit Clean the World Volunteers.
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